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Shopee store pre-sale settings

Dear users of tonis

Shopee store is located intodayComplete pre-sale setup(January 13th), set the pre-sale time of cross-border stores to10 days (local stores in Taiwan are adjusted to 20 days, non cross-border Taiwan stores)Each distributor must check whether the store has completed the pre-sale setting on January 13th, so as to avoid that the order can not be delivered on time, resulting in the system's overdue cancellation. The pre-sale order will be arranged after February 1st of the year (Note:The cancellation date of shopee shop will be announced after the Spring Festival according to the arrival of the factory.)

Pre sale setting steps:

Step 1: store setting


Step 2: Logistics Center


Step 3: Edit - change shipping days to 10 - Updateimage.png


January 13th, 2020

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